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Info on Isdera?

Isdera Commendatore

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I love these cars and would like more info. I saw the post on the Imperator and loved it. Any more info or websites? I can't speak German, but I wish that I could. As a second option, are there any downloadable/purchasable programs that translate web pages from German to English?

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Hallo Isdera Commendatore,


kennst du schon Info on Isdera? (Anzeige)? Dort ist vieles zu finden.


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  • Gefällt Carpassion.com 1
I love these cars and would like more info. I saw the post on the Imperator and loved it. Any more info or websites? I can't speak German, but I wish that I could. As a second option, are there any downloadable/purchasable programs that translate web pages from German to English?


more information under www.isdera.de or send a message to me. I can tell you everything about ISDERA. I have the Number one!

in the german forum of carpassion, you will find tons of information, but in german language.

link: http://www.carpassion.com/de/forum/isdera/

there you find all kinds of topics about isdera.

I have the nr 14 of 30 imperator 108i.

if you are interested to buy one, i can offer you an imperator series 1.

not long ago, you had the possibility to by the commendatore 112i, the single pice of this model

I love these cars and would like more info. I saw the post on the Imperator and loved it. Any more info or websites? I can't speak German, but I wish that I could. As a second option, are there any downloadable/purchasable programs that translate web pages from German to English?

Translation site enter the url of the page you would like translated. Assuming they used proper textbook German, it will translate it into a form of understandable english.



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